
Embracing 2024 - Inauguration of the Pop-up Store

Embracing 2024 - Inauguration of the Pop-up Store

On February 8, we had the pleasure of welcoming Mayor Lydie Polfer, First Alderman Maurice Bauer, and Alderman Laurent Mosar of the City of Luxembourg together with their collaborators for the inauguration of our Pop-Up Store at 2, rue des Capucins. 

They admired our product range and Madame Polfer highlighted the important link of international influences with our international community in Luxembourg. We expressed our appreciation for the beautifully renovated shop in a prime location in the heart of Luxembourg City.

We continue to pursue our mission of empowering the women of the chars through skills development, and work opportunities. A team from Friendship will be traveling to Bangladesh around mid-February to learn about the 2024 projects, see new products, and even visit the women of the chars -  the true artists behind weaving, dyeing, printing and embroidery. We look forward to bringing back new items. Stay tuned for an update in March.


The month for friends

Friendship comes in many forms, and we are all, every day, grateful over the wonderful friendships through Friendship NGO with clients, collaborators and colleagues in Luxembourg, in Bangladesh and our offices in Europe.

... and Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is believed to have originated as a Christian celebration, honoring Saint Valentine of Terni. Of good heart, the priest defied Emperor Claudius II (268-270) ban on marriage, motivated by the fact that single men made better warriors, by secretly marrying Christians.

Saint Valentine was imprisoned and then martyred in 269 due to his actions.

Valentine's Day became a day to celebrate love in Europe by the 15th century, and in the 17th and 18th centuries, it evolved into a day to exchange love letters and gifts.

The celebration of Valentine's Day has evolved and is today celebrated in many countries around the world under names such as All Hearts Day, Friend Day, The Day of Love. Also in Bangladesh, Saraswati puja, an unofficial Valentine's Day is celebrated, worshiping Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge, music, and arts celebrates the return of spring. This year Saraswati puja will be celebrated on February 14th.

Often the Valentine's box of chocolates, flowers or small gifts are also extended to special friends. In honor of Valentine's Day, we would like you to invite a friend to together spend a moment at our Friendship Colours of the Chars store. And to make the visit extra special, we have a small surprise for each new friend visiting us.